BioCyc is a collection of 19,400 Pathway/Genome Databases (PGDBs) for model eukaryotes and for thousands of microbes, plus software tools for exploring them. BioCyc is an encyclopedic reference on genes, metabolic pathways, and regulatory networks that contains curated data from 130,000 publications.
Publisher Topics
- Biological Sciences
You may know this publisher from… provides a suite of bioinformatics tools:
- Visualization: metabolic-pathway diagrams and organism-scale metabolic charts
- Genome Browser
- Omics Data Analysis: Tools include statistical over-representation analysis; and visualization of gene expression, proteomics, or metabolomics data on metabolic-chart diagrams and on the Omics Dashboard.
- SmartTables: Biologist-friendly analysis capabilities for groups of genes or metabolites
- Metabolic Route Search: Search for reactions paths connecting specified metabolites in the metabolic network
- Comparative Analysis: Tools include comparison of pathways, metabolites, transporters, and regulatory networks
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